29. april je svetovni dan plesa, ker je to rojstni dan francoskega baletnega reformatorja Jeana Georgesa Noverra (1727 – 1810). Lansko leto smo na ta dan objavili poslanico koreografa Matjaža Fariča, prav tako pa tudi letos, v tem burnem obdobju, mislimo ples in iščemo načine sodelovanja. Za plesno sceno je bistveno, da (p)ostane povezana. Le s sodelovanjem, samoorganizacijo, podporo in solidarnostjo, bomo presegli to krizo. In prav zdaj, ko je pod vprašaj postavljena naša potreba po gibalnem ustvarjanju in neverbalni komunikaciji, se moramo plesalci spodbujati in proslavljati svoje delo.
Dotiki in objemi ter srečevanje in prepletanje teles, vse to, kar je za plesalce naravno delovanje, je v trenutku postalo prepovedano in tvegano. Plešemo lahko samo še doma in potem morda svoj ples posredujemo drugim preko socialnih omrežij. Vendar to nikakor ne more nadomestiti neposredne izkušnje telesne prisotnosti, ki je bistvo plesne umetnosti. Osnovna lepota plesne predstave je predvsem zbliževanje množice ljudi, ki sedijo drug ob drugem in si delijo isti trenutek. To je praznovanje sobivanja, deljenje skupnega prostora in časa.
Ples nas uči občutljivosti, zavesti in pozornosti na trenutek. Danes, ko slavimo dan plesa in je hkrati naša prihodnost nejasna, plešimo! Plešimo koreografije za boljši jutri. In sanjajmo!
Nina Meško, samostojna strokovna svetovalka za ples JSKD in

Za sanjanje sledi tekst, ki ga je Daniel Petković napisal in odigral leta 2013 ob otvoritvi mednarodnega tekmovanja mladih plesnih ustvarjalcev OPUS 1, ki ga organizira in vsako leto posveti dnevu plesa JSKD.
I have a dream …
We live in a difficult time of global unrest, economic crisis, environmental crisis, political crisis, crisis of identity, crisis of meaning, all around us crisis and in a difficult period we need to dance more than ever.
All of us might wish that we lived in a more tranquil world, but we don’t. And if our times are difficult and perplexing, so are they challenging and filled with opportunities.
And even if we disagree on certain issues and don’t share the same world views, when it comes to dance and movement, our bodies still think the same way.
And so even though we face the aforementioned difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in my dancing, thinking and dreaming body.
I have a dream that one day every dance artist will have daily access to a free studio.
I have a dream that one day we’ll have a dance district in capital Ljubljana full of dance venues.
I have a dream that one day every region of our country will have one centre for contemporary dance.
I have a dream that one day we will have one of the best dance academies in Europe.
I have a dream that one day every kid in school will practice dance and contact improvisation as part of their curriculum.
I have a dream that one day young dancers won’t be ridiculed anymore by their school mates. Especially boys.
I have a dream that one day when these young dancers get older, our society won’t perceive them as parasites anymore.
I have a dream that one day we won’t need to spend billions on military anymore. We will use that money for art instead.
I have a dream that one day contemporary dance will be bigger than hollywood. Dancers will be paid more than actors and supermodels.
I have a dream that one day we will build international space dance station, where zero gravity performances will take place for astronauts.
I have a dream that one day contemporary dance will save the world!
I have a dream today!
Daniel Petković, performer in plesalec